New Doomwatch

New Doomwatch

Sunday 12 February 2017

Doomwatch 1972 theatrical trailer


OK, here is the third story in the NEW DOOMWATCH series:


Part One

The bitterly cold wind blew sleet into the young man's face as he closed the car door and hurried along the street towards his home, tightly clutching a file of papers in his hand. He let himself into the house, locked the door again and threw the papers onto the sofa, wiping the sleet and rain off his glasses. He took his phone out of his pocket and called one of his contacts:
"Hi. I've got them out..... No I don't think anyone suspects... I'm booked on the 9.15 tomorrow, you're right it's best if I take them to London myself... yes to Doomwatch."
The young man wiped the wet off his forehead and threw off his jacket. He was about twenty-five and had the look of an older incarnation of Harry Potter about him. He also looked extremely frightened. He picked up the file walked through into the lounge, collapsing onto the sofa with a sigh. As he did so there was a loud knock on the door and the young man looked afraid. He quietly slipped out of the lounge and upstairs. He entered the front bedroom and kept the light off so that he could go to the window and look down at who was standing at the door. As he did so he gave a sigh of relief, yet also looked puzzled. He came downstairs and went to the front door, unlocking and opening it.
"Hey, why didn't you say you were on the way here when I was just speaking to you on the phone?"
As the young man turned to show the person into the house he felt a sharp pain in his side and then all was darkness.......

Charles Furness was leaving the Southbank Centre in London after attending the first night of a new performance of Benjamin Britten's opera 'Billy Budd'. As he collected his jacket and umbrella in the foyer area, Genna Miles came running up to him:
"Charles, why the hell haven't you been answering your phone? The boss wants us all back at Doomwatch HQ tonight. There's some kind of job on and it sounds really serious."
Charles gave her an anguished look:
"Sorry, I assumed it would be ok to switch it off during the performance. Ok I know we're supposed to be on 24 hour contact but I just wanted to see this production and was lucky to get the seat."
Genna smiled at him:
"The seat? You mean you're here on your own Charles? We assumed that you must be on a date."
Charles sighed:
"Yes well it was a case of either go on my own or not go at all. The endless dilemma of Charles".
He smiled and Genna hugged him:
"Come on, let's go and face the boss."

At Doomwatch HQ, Peter Ashton-Scott was pacing up and down in the main office. The rest of the Doomwatch team were sat waiting, Steve Allen reading a report on his tablet. Ashton-Scott looked up at the clock on the wall:
"Where the hell are they? This is completely unprofessional and the sort of thing I'd associate with that amateurish outfit centred around Adam Quist. "
He turned towards a man in his sixties who was sat at the table beside him:
"I'm so sorry about this Geoff. Normally I can account for the whereabouts of my team at all times and they all know that they need to remain in immediate contact 24-7."
As he spoke the door opened and Genna and Charles entered the room.
"Where the hell have you been?" Ashton-Scott barked at Charles:
"I'm really sorry Peter. Look I just had to turn my phone off during the opera, if it had gone off I'd have been mortified."
Ashton-Scott took off his glasses and threw them onto the table:
"Mortified? You were given clear instructions that you could by all means visit the cinema or theatre on nights off but that you must on all occasions keep your phone on, regardless of the circumstances. Do you think that this is just some ordinary job? Doomwatch is a vocation and one which requires complete commitment and moral fibre. If you're not up to that then it's time to move on."
Steve Allen looked up from his tablet:
"Hang on, don't you think that's a bit harsh....."
"Harsh? I'll tell you what's harsh. It's harsh that right now the planet is reaching a tipping point where global warning may become irreversible. It's harsh that the earth is entering the sixth mass extinction while world governments' action on global pollution remains woefully inadequate. That is what I consider harsh", Ashton-Scott barked back. Charles sat down and flicked his long hair out of his eyes:
"I'm really sorry Peter. Look please don't doubt my commitment to this organisation. I totally share your passion and your concern for these issues. I realise that I've made a bad call on this but I assure you that the impression it gives of my dedication is a false one. I can only apologise."
Steve Allen interjected:
"Look can we all just move on and get on with the briefing."
Ashton-Scott frowned:
"Well yes, we'd better. Colleagues, may I introduce to you our guest. This is Mr Geoff Hardcastle, one of the original Doomwatch team."

The man in his sixties stood up and began to speak. He wore a battered leather jacket and jeans. He had put on weight since the 1970s but his long grey hair gave him something of the look of that generation ; the look of the battered old 1970s survivor.
"Hi everyone. I'm here because I need your help in investigating something which goes beyond anything Doomwatch ever stumbled upon in the old days. Since I left the organisation in 1971 I've had a number of jobs but for the lastten years before I retired I was working at the Mersea Centre, the nuclear power research centre near to Bradwell Power Station"....
Ashton-Scott gave a visible scowl, which Hardcastle noticed:
"Your boss has made his disapproval crystal clear to me earlier, however I truly came to believe that nuclear was the only viable and immediate solution to global warming. As you may or may not know, the Mersea Centre is run as a partnership between the government and the French company L'Orleans. One of our best young scientists, Mike Arnold, came to see me with a range of concerns regarding what L'Orleans were up to and was making claims about how money for nuclear energy research was being siphoned off for some other purpose. Obviously I've been out of the loop since I retired but I'd kept in touch with Mike as he was the most brilliant young scientist I've ever worked with. Two days ago Mike was found stabbed to death in an alley in Colchester."
Geoff threw a copy of the Colchester Gazette onto the table:
screamed the headline. The photograph showed the face of a young man who resembled an older version of Harry Potter..... be continued.

Part 2

Ashton-Scott skimmed through the newspaper article with a look of focused concern:
"Hmmm, it states that the police are treating this as a mugging that turned lethal. They may of course be right but in the light of what Geoff has just said, I think we need to investigate further."
Brian Eddowes interjected:
"Did you say the chap was called Arnold? He phoned us earlier in the week. I took the call."
Eddowes fumbled in his pocket for his notebook:
"Ah here it is. Michael Arnold from Colchester. He said he had some papers that would be of interest to us and that he was going to send 'em to us special delivery. But nowt has arrived from him."
"Did he leave a contact number? Didn't you follow up on it?" Geoff Hardcastle asked. Ashton-Scott looked up:
"We get all sorts of cranks phoning us and sending us material Geoff. Most of it involving alien abductions, UFO cover-ups and the like . All manner of conspiracy allegations. We cannot possibly follow up on everything. However I assure you that Doomwatch will investigate this thoroughly. Anything involving misuse of nuclear technology goes to the top of the pile. Tomorrow Steve, I want you to speak to the police in Colchester. Charles and Genna, you need to pay a visit to this Mersea Centre. Have a sniff around and try to get a feel for the management style."

The next morning, Steve Allen was in Colchester Police Station speaking to Chief Superintendent Laura Scott. Laura was an attractive woman in her mid-thirties and Steve felt that a turning on the charm approach might work. He smiled:
"A cold looking office you have here. It could do with a more modern décor in keeping with a young, modern and highly attractive officer."
Superintendent Scott frowned:
"I do not have time to discuss the layout of my office with you and neither I suspect do you. Please get to the point Mr Allen."
Steve laughed:
"Ok. But perhaps we could go somewhere more relaxed. Is there a pub or bar nearby, it is lunchtime after all."
Superintendent Scott fixed him with a cold stare:
"Mr Allen I am not in the habit of discussing police matters in pubs. Now get to the point please. Exactly what does Doomwatch want to know regarding the recent murder here in Colchester?"
"We'd just like to know if there is anything at all to indicate that this was anything other than a robbery gone wrong. That this may have been a targeted pre-arranged hit."
Superintendent Scott picked up a file and skimmed through it:
"Nothing at all. It is all in here. Scene of crime officers found no evidence other than that pointing to a casual mugging. I have said many times that we need stiffer penalties for those who carry knives and I believe that the government are now listening."
"So why did a young, successful scientist just happen to be lurking around in a dark alley? Also can you tell me whether any files or paperwork regarding his work at the Mersea Centre Nuclear Research Centre was found in his home", Steve asked. Scott frowned:
"The case is still under investigation. However we are pursuing the line of enquiry that Mr Arnold may have been lured into the alley by his attacker or attackers on some sexual pretext. The area in question is known to be frequented by young women on the game. As for your second question, scene of crime officers have recorded all paperwork examined in the victim's home."
"That is not what I asked".
"Mr Allen, I am not an expert in nuclear science. However it states in the scene of crime report here that all paperwork removed from the victim's house was of a personal nature. I hope that answers your question. Now if you would excuse me I have a busy day ahead. Goodbye."
Steve stood up and sighed:
"I may need to call on you again. Perhaps we could arrange to talk further over a meal away from the icy formality?"
Scott looked up coldly and put down her pen:
"I don't think so Mr Allen. I find your constant suggestions that we meet informally both unprofessional and distasteful. Goodbye."

Meanwhile Charles and Genna were having lunch in a vegan café before catching a bus to the Mersea Centre. Genna was reading about the centre on her tablet:
"Their website states that the L'Orleans corporation are on of the leading pioneers of French research into nuclear fusion energy. Where the energy creation mirrors that of the sun by fusing hydrogen atoms together."
Charles sipped his organic tea and sighed:
"Well certainly nuclear fusion could provide far more energy than mere fission technology. But the same environmental problems would still exist, particularly what to do with the waste. I can see why Geoff Hardcastle would be attracted to the idea of nuclear in terms of a temporary necessity to cut carbon emissions until renewables have expanded enough to supply more energy. However I do think that he is ignoring the problem that the more we come to rely on nuclear the less incentive there is to expand renewables."
As Charles spoke, a young man with long hair and a beard arrived with their food order, two falafel burgers with hummus and salad. He overheard part of what Charles was saying:
"Hi, I'm Jed. I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying. Are you here for the demo?"
"What demo?" Genna asked:
"Oh sorry, my mistake. Some of us are going down to that Mersea Centre this afternoon to stage a protest. I'm with the Action Against Nuclear Contamination (AANC) group. Direct action is the only way to deal with those bastards. Last time we broke in to expose how lax their security is."
Charles looked up:
"Did any of you take any photographs Jed? I'm Charles by the way and this is Genna, we are with Doomwatch."
"Oh yeah, I've heard of you. Yeah you're good though a bit establishment. Yeah we took loads of pictures."
Charles pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and jotted an email address on it:
"Could you send the pictures to me and I'll pass them onto the Doomwatch team for analysis. We are on the same side here I'm sure. Our boss is about as nuclear-sceptic as you can get."

As Charles and Genna left the vegan café they failed to notice a young man in a leather jacket watching from the other side of the road. He lifted his phone:
"They've just left the café. Yes, the same one where Jed Adams works... yes.... what take Adams out?"
Later, Jed Adams finished his shift and left the café on his bike , cycling through the town towards the railway station where he was to meet up with his fellow activists. As he cycled down a side street a man stepped out in front of him and caused him to swerve into the pavement:
"Hey watch it mate...."
Before he could finish he was grabbed from behind and bundled into the back of a car. An hour later his body was floating down the river colne....... be continued.

Monday 16 February 2015

Meet the New Doomwatch Team

Some pictures to give readers an idea of what the new team look like.

1) Dr Peter Ashton-Scott

2) Steve Allen

3) Charles Furness

4) Abby Hanson

5) Brian Eddows

6) Genna Miles

7) Adam Quist

8) Neil Tannahill

New Doomwatch: Story Two: "NEST OF DOOM"

OK folks, here is part 1 of the new story: "Nest of Doom". Before that, a brief recap of the team members:

Dr Peter Ashton-Scott = team leader. An experienced chemist and ecologist from Cambridge university who left academia to set up a self-sufficient community in the hebrides. Coaxed out of retirement by Allen.

Steve Allen: Environmental campaigner, idealist and disillusioned science advisor to the government.

Charles Furness: Young, attractive Oxford graduate and brilliant chemist and technician. Struggling to accept his sexuality.

Abby Hanson: Feisty twenty-something geologist and ecologist. Gave up teaching to join the team.

Brian Eddows: Sixty-something lab technician. An ex-prisoner seeking a new life and redemption from his crimes.

Genna Miles: Feisty twenty-something with a talent for investigative work and publicity. Previously worked at Bosworth Battlefield Centre.

And occasional special guest characters:

Adam Quist: son of former Doomwatch head. Reformed alcoholic.

Neil Tannahill: Head of a rival Doomwatch organisation and featured in the TV Movie 'Winter Angel'


Witham : Essex. Dark clouds covered the sky and a cold wind was blowing leaves around in circles as Stacey Smith bundled her children into the car ready for the school run. Her eldest, Lee, was being particularly boisterous and as she fumbled around for her keys he thumped his sister Mel hard on the back. Mel screamed and Stacey frowned:
“Look pack it in will ya! I don’t need this, we’re late already”. Lee jumped out of the car:
“I’ve forgot my lunchbox” he shouted. Stacey grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back to the house as the rain started to fall:
“I’ve about had enough of you this morning. Now its ¤¤¤¤ing raining. Get it : quick!” As she unlocked the door and pushed Lee back into the house, a row of starlings settled on the telephone wire above the road, staring intently and letting out the occasional squawk. Others flew onto the roof of the house. Mel jumped out of the car:
“I want a wee” she pleaded to her mother. Stacey was furious:
“Why the hell didn’t you have one before we came out? You can bloody well wait till I get ya to school”. Mel started to whimper as Lee emerged from the house with his lunchbox. As he did so one of the starlings flew down and landed on top of the car. Several others followed.
“Hurry up and get back in the car!” Stacey shouted at Lee. As she did so two more starlings flew down and launched themselves at the boy’s head. He screamed as claws were thrust into his eyes. More birds flew down launching themselves at Stacey, claws tearing into the flesh of her face. The crazed starlings pecked at her eyes and she screamed at Mel to shut the car door. The terrified girl just managed to do so before the birds on the car could get in. They few at the car windows squawking with pain and fury as Mel screamed………………..

Doomwatch HQ: London. Charles Furness was busy in the lab analysing some water samples from the river welland. He looked up at Abby Hanson:
“Yeah it’s the same result as the first test. There are large traces of Dichlorophan Ziapolite and that it what has been killing the fish. it’s the same chemical as we found in the soil samples around the Hextan plant”. Abby frowned:
“So they have been illegally dumping their waste in the river. How the hell do these people live with themselves?” she exclaimed. Suddenly the door flew open and Genna walked in:
“Charles, the boss wants to see us both now!” she stated. Charles sighed and followed her out of the lab.
As he and Genna approached Ashton-Scott’s office they heard a furious row taking place inside. Charles smiled and flicked his long dark hair out of his eyes:
“Should we wait?” he asked. Genna laughed:
“If we do that we could be standing here all day”. They laughed and Charles knocked on the door and opened it. In the room were Ashton Scott, Steve Allen and a dark-haired man. The latter was glaring at Aston Scott and shouting:
“…… and I fail to damn well see why I need to explain myself to you….” Ashton Scott looked at Charles and Genna as they entered:
“Close that door”, he barked. He then stood up from behind his desk and flung his glasses down on the table:
“Meet Adam Quist, the head of that other organisation which has the gall to call itself Doomwatch. The organisation that lacks professional discipline, spawns extremists and refuses to share its information with us”. Quist sat back in his chair and laughed sardonically:
“Oh change the record. My father led the original Doomwatch team and I have given you every opportunity to work with us. Its you who insists on remaining an independent organisation.” Ashton Scott hammered his fist on his desk:
“On your terms! I do not like your cavalier attitude and lack of ethical fibre!” Quist laughed:
“You stubborn old fool”. Charles intervened:
“I think we need to calm down and rise above this tit for tat quarrelling. What is all of this about?”
Steve Allen chipped in:
“Quist is refusing to share information with us. Two days ago in Essex a woman and her young son were killed in an attack by wild birds. An horrific incident; their eyes were gouged and pecked out. it’s the third attack by wild birds in that area in a week and the first fatalities. Quist’s lot have been analysing the remains of several of the attacking birds, shot by the police, for any unusual chemical imbalances.”
“What makes you think that this might be a Doomwatch case?” Genna asks.
“Wild birds don’t normally go around attacking people do they you stupid girl” Quist snaps at her. Ashton Scott glares at him:
“How dare you insult my staff! *to Charles and Genna* this man is refusing to pass the bird remains onto us for analysis or to give us a detailed report”. Quist scowled:
“This is not your case. For your information our analysis found nothing unusual. Now please leave this investigation to us”. Ashton Scott gestured at the door:
“No. And get out!”.

Quist left the room and Ashton Scott sat down, putting his glasses back on.
“I had a great deal of respect for that man’s father, however the son is a man of very poor character.”
“Well what do we do now? I suggest we leave this case to Quist and get on with something important” Steve Allen stated. Ashton Scott glared at him:
“You do not consider the death of a mother and child as important? We are damn well investigating this until I am sure that those birds have not been changed by some pollutant or chemical. You, Charles and Genna will take public transport to Witham in Essex to investigate hands on.”
“What about Quist?” Steve asks.
“Damn Quist! I fear that with the current economic and political situation, the government may be about to decide that funding two Doomwatch groups is unsustainable. We must be the ones to crack this high profile case. I do not like having to adopt a competitive attitude; it goes against all my ethical beliefs. However I am thinking of our work and our organisation. I would much rather co-operate with Quist however he will not agree to submit to us as the lead group. I do not believe that his organisation is run with the correct environmental priorities and discipline. Anyway, enough time wasted. Off you go”………………………

……………………………….to be continued.


Charles, Genna and Steve take the Norwich train from Liverpool Street, which stops in Witham. They sit together in the quiet first class compartment and Charles orders three organic coffees and some cake. Steve is restless:
“I still don’t see the point of this trip. Without the remains of any of those birds we have nothing to analyse” he states, grouchily. Genna sips her coffee:
“The boss seemed particularly fired up today”. Steve frowns:
“He always is when Quist’s around. Its competitive tension, regardless of his principles. Plus the fact that he doesn’t have a secretary.” Charles looks up, confused:
“But he has got a secretary; Jean!”
Steve smirks:
“Exactly. He’s got one, he just doesn’t have her”. They laugh and Charles brushes his long dark hair out of his eyes:
“We can at least visit the site of the last attack and ask around. If any of the attacking birds survived we may still have an opportunity to analyse them”.

As the journey continued, Charles did a little reading while Steve and Genna made Smalltalk.
“So what made you decide to join us then? Not the money I’d guess” Steve asked. Genna smiled:
“Well no. I did like my job at Bosworth Battlefield Centre, however what you do seemed so much more fulfilling. I mean there is only so much enthusing to small annoying children about a medieval battle that you can stand to do in a day” . Steve laughed:
“Before Doomwatch I used to advise the government on scientific matters. However I came to realise that they were not interested in the truth, rather that they wanted people like me to supply them with one-sided evidence to support their particular case. Nuclear power for example. Stuff that. So I left.” Genna found herself deeply attracted to Steve’s laddish charm and told herself not to make this too obvious. Charles looked up from his book:
“I’m so pleased that I’ve found a job with some real worth to it. Towards the end of university I felt like curling up in a ball and dying at the prospect at having to get some ghastly job in industry working to develop a new washing powder or something.” Genna gives him a hug:
“Poor Charles. You seem to have had a tough year”.
“Tell me about it. I lost my boyfriend, my home and my sense of purpose. I thought of just trying to join some kind of retreat where I could just read all day and take walks by the sea.”

Arriving at Witham, they left the station and took a taxi to the housing estate where Stacey Smith lived with her children. When they arrived the house and garden were still surrounded by police tape. Several children on bikes looked on at the site. Steve approached a woman who was looking on at the scene:
“Excuse me. Did you know the woman who died?” he asked.
“Yeah I knew ‘er. She were a right slapper. Made a lot of enemies around here but I wouldn’t ‘ave wished this on the poor cow”.
“Have any other people around here been attacked by aggressive avian groups ?” Charles asks.
“Yer what?”
“Sorry, by birds?”
“Yeah mate. My mate Shaz and ‘er other half were attacked by two pigeons last week.”
“Where does Shaz live?” Charles enquired.
“Next street at number nine” the woman replied before walking off. They started to walk towards the jetty that led to the next street. As they did so they heard a scream from behind them. Turning round they saw a young boy being attacked by a large crow………….

……….to be continued.


Steve ran forward and pulled the boy away from the crazed bird, swatting at it with his clenched fist. However the creature swooped back down and sank its claws into Steve's neck, pecking madly at his face. Genna removed one of her shoes and swung the heel at the crow, hitting it on the head. The bird fell to the ground flapping frantically in its death throes before falling silent. Steve rang for an ambulance on his mobile while Genna comforted the child who was bleeding profusely from deep lacerations on his face. Charles stared at the dead bird:
"It is such a shame that we needed to kill it. I do not hold with cruelty to animals in any form however I suppose that there was no other way."
"At least the boss has his sample now. We'll get it straight back to the Doomwatch lab for analysis" Steve replied. As he did so a car came swerving precariously round the corner and veered towards Charles who just managed to get out of the way before it screeched to a halt.
"Hey watch it!" Charles shouted at the driver. The door swung open and Adam Quist staggered out, pointing at the dead crow:
"If thats what I think it is then its Doomwatch property so I'm taking it." Charles was disgusted:
"You've been drinking, I can smell it on you. Do you realise how many people lose their lives each year because of irresponsible drunk drivers?"
"Who the ¤¤¤¤ are you to lecture me?" Quist snarls, picking up the bird. Genna snatches it out of his hand:
"There is no way that you are either taking this or getting back in that car. Our Doomwatch is just as valid as yours. " As she spoke, Charles reached into the car and took Quist's keys. Adam Quist span round in fury:
"You can give me those keys or I rearrange that pretty girly face of yours." Charles flicked his dark hair out of his eyes:
"You are in no fit state to drive. I'm doing this to help you." Quist went to lunge at Charles, however Steve intervened, pulling Quist to one side and getting him in an armlock.

Later, after the ambulance had taken the child away, Steve, Charles and Genna had taken a reluctant Quist to a hotel in Witham and booked in, ordering several strong organic coffees in the cafe area. However before Quist could drink them he vomited over a table. The hotel staff escorted him upstairs to his room:
"I suppose they must be used to this sort of behaviour in Essex. Its still embarrasing though" Genna commented.
"Why does he get himself into that kind of state?" Charles asked. Steve sipped his coffee:
"According to the boss, Adam Quist has been a heavy drinker since his teenage years. He felt he was in his father's shadow and couldn't live up to it. So he spent his time getting drunk and womanising."
"I'm just pleased that I never took to drink at uni. I think it would have pushed me over the edge, given all the problems and disappointments that I've had to deal with" Charles replied. Genna squeezed his hand:
"Poor Charles" she whispered.
"Thanks. Perhaps we should decide what to do next as regards the case. We need to get the crow to the Doomwatch lab."
"I'll take it. You two stay here and make more enquiries" Steve replied.

Steve caught a train back to London and then a bus to Doomwatch HQ, giving the bird to Brian Eddows for analysis. Ashton-Scott was pleased:
"Good work. I think I'll travel down to Witham myself and play a hands on role. I want to deal with Quist in person. You can hold the fort here". Steve was angry:
"Hold on, this is my case." Ashton-Scott frowned:
"And I am in charge. You're staying here." Steve slammed his fist on a table:
"Look Peter you need to ease off. Damn it man you're a control freak. You don't know what a holiday is. And you're just guilty because your brother worked at Aldermaston". Ashton -Scott glared at him:
"How dare you bring my family into this. You're fired. Get out!" be continued.


Steve sat in the lab brooding, while Brian Eddows carried out some tests on the bird:
"Well I'm damned if I can find anything. I've tried toxology tests for all the major pesticide residues and recent agricultural chemicals that we know about. Nothing" Brian stated.
"Look there must be something . Try harder" Steve snapped back.
"Hey don't get snappy with me just because the boss lost his rag with you. You shouldn't wind him up like you do, you seem to know just how to push the wrong buttons."
"Well he's just so damn stubborn. Has to be there controlling everything" Steve replied.
Brian was irked:
"Now look here. If it wern't for him I'd have never have got another job after being inside. He gave me the break to turn my life around. You sit where moaning when you know nowt...... hello whats this?"
"Whats what?" Steve asked.
"There is something. Not sure what though but there's definitely something in the brain sample....."

Meanwhile, back in Essex, two lads were leaving 'The Anchor' pub in Witham after a night of heavy drinking. They staggered around, pushing each other into the road , guffawing and belching loudly. One of them noticed a young woman slumped by a wall with her head in her lap:
"Alright darlin', 'ad a skinful 'ave yer. Hows about camin' ome with me?" one of the lads shouted. The woman didn't reply so the lad staggered over to her with his mate following:
"Ere leave 'er Jez, she's well out of it" the mate shouted.
"Nah she might be needin'...... ¤¤¤¤in hell ..... Jeeezus....."
Jez had noticed that the woman's eyes had been gouged out and her head was resting in a lap of blood. Suddenly from the sky there was a piercing screech as a group of seagulls swooped down on them. Jez managed to run out into the road and back towards 'The Anchor', however when he reached the door and looked round he saw his mate on the ground, covered in ravenous birds who bit into his eyes as he writhed in agony........

In the hotel, Adam Quist had sobered up after a lie down and came downstairs to the lounge, where Charles and Genna were still talking.
"Look, I want to apologise for my behaviour earlier" he said, sitting down next to them. Charles looked up:
"Thats ok Adam. What we really need here is you to help us on this case, act with Doomwatch, our Doomwatch that is, rather than against us. That includes staying off alcohol."
"What and you think thats easy do you?" Adam shouted. Charles flicked his long dark hair back:
"No I don't think it will easy"
"Thats why we think you need to get professional help" Genna chipped in.
As they spoke, Charles' mobile went off. He answered it and listened intently before putting the phone slowly down:
"That was the boss. He's just been notified that there has been another attack. He's on his way but we need to go now to look at the scene. "
The three of them left the hotel and took a taxi to the Anchor Pub. The street was cordoned off by police tape and Charles approached a group of officers:
"Hi, I'm Charles Furness of Doomwatch and these are Adam Quist and Genna Miles. Can we come through please?"
"Oh you lot. The tree-hugger team. One of your lot is already here. You got any ID?" a policeman rudely replied. They showed him their Doomwatch cards and were let through. As they approached the corpses of the youth and the girl, surrounded by several dead birds and a forensic team, a man came out of the pub and approached them. Adam recognised him immediately as Neil Tannahill:
"Oh its you. Why don't you keep out of this? You're organisation's finished."
"Thanks to you Quist we are no longer funded. However we still work freelance" Tannahill replied.
Charles and Genna looked at Quist puzzled and Quist scowled:
"This by the way is Neil Tannahill. The man who got my father killed and who runs yet another pseudo Doomwatch team, now officially defunct. Your boss really won't be pleased to see him, or me I suppose."
Tannahill reached out and shook Charles and Genna's hands:
"Actually I was not resonsible for Dr Quist's death in a gas explosion, he just blames me for it. And I do admire your boss Dr Ashton -Scott. Shouldn't we be focusing on the bodies?"
"We are pleased to meet you Neil. Do you know anything about why the birds are attacking people in this way?" Charles asked.
"I probably know as much as you do. Or Quist does for that matter" Neil replied.

After examining the corpses they went back to the hotel where they discussed events in the bar . They drank mineral water in consideration of Quist. Charles took a call from Brian Eddows then slowly put the phone down.
"It seems that there is some unusual chemical in the birds' brains. However it isn't like any known pesticide and its in too large a concentration to be a residue. Oh and Steve and the boss have had a row, although the boss has relented on his decision to sack Steve. Brian says that it happens on a regular basis."
Quist laughed:
"Thats Ashton-Scott for you. All bluster and shouting, no actual action."
As he spoke, the door of the lounge swung open and Peter Ashton-Scott strode in. He stared at Quist and Tannahill:
"I want to talk to my team. Not to either of you, will you leave please."
Quist grinned:
"Pleased to meet you again as well Peter."
"Cut the quips Quist. Leave please. And you Tannahill. Your organisations are not Doomwatch and never will be."
"Oh come on Peter, this is no time for your ego games" Tannahill replied.
"Ego games? Your organisation is unfunded and amateurish. It employs direct action fanatics. And Quist here is in no fit state to run anything. Charles and Genna, please come with me."
As he speaks there is a scream from the hotel lobby. They run out to see that a woman has run into the foyer with group of magpies pecking at her head....... be continued.


The woman staggered a few feet into the hotel and then collapsed onto the floor, blood oozing out of her eye sockets. Charles, Dr Ashton-Scott and Tannahill all ran forward, kicking at the crazed birds to drive them away. One of them dived at Ashton-Scott's face, knocking his glasses off and pecking viciously. However Charles picked up a hotel brochure from the desk and swiped at the magpie, knocking it flying into the wall. It quickly recovered and flew out of the door, followed by the others.
A short time later, after the ambulance had left, Dr Ashton-Scott called a team meeting in the hotel bar:
"This is absolutely horrifying. The paramedic said that one of her eyes will definitely be lost and it is not clear whether the sight in the other one can be saved or not. We've got to discover the source of whatever is causing these birds to become so aggressive. Brian has isolated the chemical but what the devil it is he doesn't know. Charles, you're a chemist. Get back to Doomwatch HQ and carry out every test on that stuff that you can think of. Genna, you may as well assist him. I'll stay here as I want to be hands on if anything else happens."
Quist looked up at him:
"Well I'm staying as well. This is a Doomwatch case and I don't trust your outfit to do the job properly."
Ashton-Scott glared at him furiously:
"My outfit as you call it are a team of professionals and not some angry soak who can't be trusted to keep off the booze while on the job."
Tannahill intervened:
"Look why don't we all just try to work together on this ok?"

Later, Genna and Charles arrived back at Doomwatch HQ and went straight to the lab. It was late and Brian Eddows greeted them as they arrived:
"Right its all yours. I'm off to bed as I'm reet knackered. The chemical samples are in that test tube over there. Night."
Charles sighed:
"I don't know where to start on this. It looks like we'll be here all night." Genna smiled at him:
"You look tired Charles. I'll make us some coffee as I think we'll both need it to keep going."
A short time later, Genna returned with the coffee to find Charles already setting up a complex looking chemical experiment. They chatted away as they worked:
"Well I didn't think that joining Doomwatch would mean having to work all through the night as well as the day," Genna said, not seriously and laughing. Charles looked up, sadness in his eyes:
"Oh I don't mind. The more work the better, it takes my mind away from things."
"What do you mean? Has something happened? You know you can talk to me Charles."
"Its very difficult to talk about it. You remember I told you about Chris, the guy I fell in love with during my last year at Oxford? I found out yesterday that he's got married. The wedding pictures are already up on facebook. I suppose I shouldn't mind, its not like we are anything to each other."
Genna went up to Charles and gave him a hug:
"Life's a bitch sometimes it really is. You fell for him really badly didn't you."
"Tell me about it. We were in the same seminar group studying Chemistry and started to meet up after class in St John's College bar. We became closer and closer and I was sure that he felt the same way about me as I did about him. I just couldn't talk to him about it, my inhibitions were too strong. Then one evening, while we were round at his watching BBC4 I just blurted it all out. How I felt, how I loved him.... everything. It was awful, his reaction I mean."
"You still love him don't you."
"He was so engaging and so full of life. Everything I'm not really."
Charles smiled sadly and Genna hugged him again.

Back in Witham, Steve Allen and Abby Hanson arrived at the hotel and Steve strode in and went up to Dr Ashton-Scott who was still sat in the bar talking to Quist and Tannahill:
"Look Ashton-Scott, you can't just fire me on a whim like that. We're in the middle of a damn case and....."
"Oh sit down and stop shouting. You're reinstated. Now lets deal with the issue of these birds" Ashton-Scott firmly stated.
"What? Just like that. You can be bloody unpredictable" Steve replied.
"I know. Now sit down".
Steve and Abby sat down and Steve looked at the others:
"Well, since I'm reinstated I'll make a suggestion. Rather than sit here while those birds are out there causing havoc, why don't we go out there and try and bag some more specimens. Here."
Steve placed a large holdall on the coffee table which was full of Doomwatch's licenced rifles, used for the humane eradication of dangerous or suffering animals.
"I agree. Lets go" Adam Quist commented. Ashton-Scott frowned:
"Whilst I accept that in cases such as this it is an unfortunate necessity to kill affected wildlife, I do not personally wish to partake in such activity for ethical reasons as I feel that all life is precious. You may go though," Ashton-Scott replied.

In the Doomwatch lab, Charles stared at the test tube in front of him and the chemical inside:
"Well it beats me what this is. I've repeated all Brian's pesticide tests, conducted tests for all the major chemicals known to have been dumped into rivers and the sea in recent years and have tested for all known vehicle emmission residues. Nothing."
As he spoke, Genna looked up from her laptop:
"I think I may have found something. The key phrase you used there was 'all known'. I've just researched the Witham area and found that it is on the flightpath of Stansted Airport. That made me think of something. I'm sure I read in 'New Scientist' last month that they were about to start testing that new aviation fuel that delivers the same results for half the amount. Well I've looked it up here and it says that they started the tests last month using flights out of Stansted. Phianophol Compound its called."
"Yeah, I remember reading about that. Its made by that French owned company Leroux Chemicals, that have a plant in Essex near Chelmsford. I must get hold of a sample of that fuel to see if it matches what we have here."

Meanwhile, Ashton-Scott, Quist, Tannahill, Steve Allen and Abby Hanson walked through Witham. It was very late and the town was quiet, save for a few drunks staggering home and the occasional car. Suddenly they heard a sound coming from an alleyway, behind a chip shop. Curious, Steve ran ahead and shone a torch down the alley. He gasped with horror as he saw a gaggle of birds, crows, ravens, seagulls and starlings all pecking at the disembowled entrails of and elderly man who was still alive and trying to move....... be continued.


Steve pulled the rifles from the holdall and handed one each to Quist and Tannahill. He then started shooting at the birds, followed by the others.
"Watch you don't hit the old boy by mistake, not that he'd notice, mess he's in," Steve shouted. Two crows flew up and swooped down on Abby, clawing at her face. Tannahill knocked them off with his rifle butt while the other birds rose up in a chirping rage before flying off. The elderly man groaned loudly, in agony from his wounds.
Later the ambulance arrived and took the old man away.
"Well at least we got the samples we needed. Mission accomplished. Lets get them to Brian in the lab." Ashton-Scott gave him a furious look:
"Mission accomplished? Is that all you can damn well say? A man has just been disembowelled and all you can do is crow about us getting the bird samples. You're a hard nut." Steve grinned:
"I presume the pun was unintended" he quipped.
"What?" Ashton-Scott spat back.
"Oh never mind."
Ashton-Scott shot him a look of fury.
As they walked back to the hotel, Abby pulled Steve to oneside:
"Look you really need to reign it in Steve. You shouldn't rile him up like you do. The boss has done an awful lot for you.... for all of us."
"Oh come on. It was me who persuaded him out of retirement in the first place to lead this team. Its just that he can be so damn supercillious," Steve replied.
"He's not only a brilliant scientist but also the ethical compass of the team and you know it," Abby firmly stated.

The following morning, Charles and Genna took the train to Chelmsford in order to visit the Leroux Chemicals plant nearby. They sat in the first class compartment and Charles ordered organic coffees and croissants for them each.
"Doomwatch really needs to allow us to drive while on cases" Genna stated, sipping the coffee. Charles smiled:
"The boss would never hear of that. He won't let me use my car at work due to its carbon footprint. I admire his sense of responsibility but it can be rather impractical." They laugh.
"Charles, you know that you will have to get over Chris at some point don't you? To put it behind you and move on". Charles stared sadly into his coffee cup:
"Oh I know that well enough. But knowing and doing are two markers on opposite sides of the horizon. At least Doomwatch allows me some respite from it all. Something to focus on."
Later they arrived in Chelmsford and too a taxi to the Leroux plant. Charles had phoned ahead and set up a meeting with its Managing Director William T Sanger. They were met at the gate by two uniformed security guards who checked them for weapons and cameras before showing them up to Sanger's office. They were met by a large American in his late forties with thick glasses and a surfeit of bonhomie.
"Well hi fellas, I mean fella and delightful lady. I'm so pleased to meet some of you Doomwatch dudes at last. Here at Leroux Chemicals we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously. I'm simply chomping at the bit to work with you guys and hope you will return the favour in the form of marketing assistance."
Charles and Genna shook his hand.
"Thanks for agreeing to see us Mr Sanger. However I feel I must make it clear that we are not in a position to offer you favours" Charles stated. Sanger slapped him on the back:
"Oh I get it young fella. Worried about what the boss will say. Well you just leave that to me. Call me Bill won't ya, never did hold with all that formal crap. Now what is it that I can do for ya?"
"Mr Sanger, we are investigating chemical pollution in the form of an invasive residue which is having a serious effect on birds in Essex. Turning them into aggressive killers. You may have read about it in the papers and on news sites" Genna said.
"Sure have babe. Whats it to do with us?"
"We'd like to examine your laboratories and maybe take a sample of your Phianophol Compound for testing" Charles stated. Sanger laughed:
"Sure you can, sure you can. We've got nothing to hide here and whatever is affecting your feathery friends has nothing to do with Phianophol."
Sanger pressed a button on his desk and in came a security guard:
"Hey Dave. Show these Doomwatch guys to the labs will ya!"
Charles and Genna were led away.

In the laboratory, Charles and Genna looked round the equipment and chatted to the staff.
"So can you tell me what exactly goes into Phianophol?" Charles asked the laboratory team leader, a woman in her thirties with short-cropped blonde hair. She coldly thrust a sheet of paper in his hand:
"Here. Read it. I'm sure you will see that there is nothing out of the ordinary."
Charles read the list:
"I agree that there is nothing out of the ordinary here. However that creates a problem. I don't see from this list how your compound is any different from standard aviation fuel.
"What do you know about it" she snapped back.
"Well actually quite a lot, given that part of my degree reasearch was in this field."
Charles walked around a little and saw a small pool of spilled chemical at the side of some desks. He knelt down, dipped his hankerchief in it and took a sniff.

Back in William T Sanger's office, Sanger picked up his phone and made a call to France:
"Hi Mr Leroux. Look them Doomwatch fuckers I rang you about have arrived.... yeah its all in hand... yes sir the guys have prepared an alternate compound to let them take away. Yeah they're just a couple of green kids, fell for my friend of the tree-huggers act. Yeah hippy cunts. Its all in hand Sir." be continued.


That evening, Charles and Genna arrived back at Doomwatch HQ with the Phianophol sample provided by Sanger's team. They strode into the lab, where Brian Eddows was working on the sample birds:
"Ah you two are back are you? How'd it go?" Brian said with a grin. Charles placed the Phianophol sample on the workplace:
"Well I have the official sample for you to check against the chemical residues in those birds. However I suspect you'll have more success matching them to the contents of my handkerchief."
Charles placed his handkerchief on the table:
"You bein' funny or summat?" Brian replied with a frown. Charles smiled:
"I took the liberty of dipping this in a chemical spillage in the plant."
"Ah, I'm with you now lad."

A few hours later, the team were sat in Peter Ashton-Scott's office sipping organic, caffeine-free coffee. Steve was angry:
"Well I think the whole thing stinks. I'm not saying that we go hell for leather and spout off to the press about how we suspect a link to Leroux Chemicals. However the public have a right to know that we suspect that chemical pollution of some kind is behind these deaths," he shouted.
"And I agree with you one hundered per cent. However the Minister has ordered that the whole thing be kept quiet and we are a public funded body. You know damn well that he could close us down like a shot and use deficit reduction as the excuse or divert most of our funding to Quist" Ashton-Scott replied. Steve was not about to give up:
"Why are you being like this.... why are you being so damn compliant? The great radical tamed into a sheep at last?" Ashton-Scott threw down his pen with fury:
"How dare you! You have no idea what responsibility means. Indeed you're so damn childish I'm not convinced you can cut it" he shouted. Steve stormed out of the office.
"Well? Any of you lot agree with him?" Ashton-Scott demanded.
"Obviously we can't lose our funding or we're sunk. Steve is wrong but at the same time he's right about the public having a right to know", Abby replied.
"Which is exactly my position", Ashton-Scott replied. Genna tried to lighten the mood:
"Any chance that we can get some proper coffee instead of this caffeine-free stuff", she suggested.
"You what? I've explained to you that why don't have caffeine-rich coffee in this building. Its incredibly bad for you. If you want that trash then go to a coffee bar," Ashton-Scott snapped back. As he did so Brian Eddows strode into the office:
"Its a ruddy match! Not the official sample but the one on Charles' handkerchief. An' there's summat else. Its aviation fuel all right but laced with all manner of other stuff including organophosphates and known neuro-inhibiters."
Ashton-Scott pounded the desk with his fist:
"The damn fools. Who knows what spewing that stuff out into the atmosphere can lead to. Well we damn well know that it effects birds but what else? When its in the clouds then falling as rain. The damn fools. I want a full report on my desk tomorrow morning so that I can take it straight to the Minister. We need that plant closed down at once."

The following morning Ashton-Scott took the report with him for a meeting with the Environment Minister in his office in Whitehall, while Charles, Genna and Steve were sent back to Chelmsford to present a copy to William T Sanger at Leroux Chemicals. They were shown up to Sanger's office by security. Sanger stood behind his desk scowling, the bonhomie of their previous meeting absent:
"Look I'm gettin' tired of the same old script from you guys. Waddisit now?"
"Mr Sanger, I have here a copy of a full report on a chemical sample which I took from the floor of your laboratory. It has been scientifically analysed and matched to the chemical residues found in the brain tissue of several birds that attacked and killed a man in Witham. Our Head of Team is currently discussing this report with the Environment Minister", Charles stated. Sanger narrowed his eyes:
"Yeah yeah, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well lets have a look here shall we."
Sanger picked up the report, glanced at the cover, then dropped it in the wastepaper basket.
" Anything else bud? Or can I get on with my business."
"Mr Sanger, I really think you should retieve and read the report" Charles stated.
"Yeah? Well cream poof, hows about you get your phone out of your pocket and ring that HQ of yours in London and find out whats happening there."
"I don't like your turn of phrase Sanger, " Steve shouted.
"Yeah yeah *putting on mock English accent* I say, would you mind awfully not using that turn of phrase please."
"Why are you talking like that?" Genna asked him.
"Oh because I can talk in this snooty up-my-own arse English way as well love".
Meanwhile Charles was on the phone to Doomwatch HQ in London. His face went white and he turned to the others.
"Its the boss. He's back from his meeting with the Environment Minister. Not only has he ordered that our report be suppressed but he's ordered Doomwatch to be closed down with immediate effect........" be continued.


Dr Peter Ashton-Scott paced around his office clenching and unclenching his fists as Adam Quist and Neil Tannahill sat looking bemused:
"..... so that in a nutshell is what we've found out. You two have a stark choice, you can either try and use our predicament in order to boost your own organisations or you can do the decent thing and both go to the Minister and demand that he changes his approach."
"But if your evidence is so compelling then why has the Minister chosen to suppress your report and close you down? It must be due to pressure from the business interests involved. The aviation industry in this country relies on French fuel. The Minister is hardly going to listen to us any more than he did to you", Quist replied.
Ashton-Scott took off his glasses and flung them down on the desk:
"Then its up to you to make him listen. Damn it man, your father would not have given up on this without a fight."
"Don't drag my dad into this Ashton-Scott. If your organisation is too damn flakey to make a difference then its best gone. We should just go public with it all, see how he likes that" Quist replied angrily. Neil Tannahill looked up:
"Yes and then you get closed down as well and also arrested for breaking the official secrets act" he interjected. Ashton-Scott sighed with exasperation and opened his office door:
"Charles and Genna, would you step in here for a minute please". Charles and Genna entered the office from the lab, where equipment was being dismantled and packed away due to the close down:
"I want you both to get yourselves back to Witham and monitor the events there. Book into a cheap B&B.I want every incident involving the birds monitored and reported back."
"I thought we were officially closed down," Genna replied.
"We are. Officially. But until they arrive here with police, bailiffs or who knows what to physically stop us then we keep going. Understood? I'm not leaving it to these two fools to make the government see sense."

Charles and Genna travelled by train to Witham, taking seats in the first class compartment. Charles sipped his cappucino and smiled:
"You have to admire the boss' resiliance in the face of adversity. However I think we soon both be out of work. Look Genna, I'm sorry I got you into all of this. You could have been still working away in your job in Leicestershire instead of facing imminent redundancy." Genna smiled back:
"Oh come on Charles, it still might not come to that. Any decisions I've made have been my own responsibility anyway. Lets just hope for the best."
"Hoping for the best is what I've been doing for most of my life and it doesn't seen to have worked much so far", Charles replied mournfully. Arriving at Witham station, they took a taxi to the B&B that they had booked over the internet.

At Brook Street Primary School, on the outskirts of Witham, the children were enjoying their after lunch playtime, running around in the schoolyard supervised by Miss Allcock and Miss Shaw, two newly qualified teachers in their mid-twenties. Lisa Allcock was a rather plump, plain-looking young woman with thick glasses and an air of authority. Two little girls came running up to her crying:
"Miss, miss, Craig Wilson keeps picking on us. He threw stick at us and called us mongs". Miss Allcock went stomping across the yard and took Craig Wilson, a scruffy little boy with a pug-dog nose, to one side and shouted at him for a few minutes. Then she came stomping back:
"He's getting more and more aggressive that one. The parents don't take no notice, they seem to spend all their time out boozing, from what the Head says" she muttered to Miss Shaw, a tall blonde young woman who was elegantly dressed.
"Well she should like phone social services," Miss Shaw replied, checking her make-up in her face mirror. No one noticed the row of crows, pidgeons and magpies that had amassed on the roof of the school and sat looking down at the children. Suddenly one of the crows flew up and swooped down at the unsuspecting children, slamming into a little boy's face and pecking at his eyes. Very rapidly the other birds took off and swooped down on the schoolyard, knocking over children and grasping onto them with their feet. Miss Shaw screamed as two gulls attacked her, one of them driving its beak into her left eye and tugging. Children ran around in a frenzy of fear, trampling each other as birds dived at their faces, jabbing, clawing and scratching. Miss Allcock tried to kick birds off a little girl who lay motionless on the ground until a pidgeon slammed itself into her face, knocking off her glasses which were trampled by the children. A little boy was covered with crows, pecking deep, bloody grooves into his face.

Charles and Genna stood outside of Charles' room in the B&B, waiting for the cleaner to finish changing the sheets after the previous occupant. Genna looked around:
"Well its a bit basic isn't it. It smells of dry rot or something and the wallpaper looks like its been there for decades."
"Basic is an understatement" Charles added. The cleaner had the local radio switched on which was playing a Rhianna song. After the song finished the local news came on and Charles and Genna overheard the first item:

"Some breaking news, reports are coming in of a major incident at a Primary School in Witham. Unconfirmed reports say that the school is Brook Street Primary and that a flock of birds have attacked a group of children in the playground. There are as yet no further details, however police have set up an emergency hotline....."

"Come on, lets get a taxi there now" Genna exclaimed. They ran out of the B&B, Charles phoning for a taxi on his mobile. As they arrived near to the school there was a police road block. The taxi driver frowned:
"Thats as near as we can get" he grunted. Charles and Genna ran out of the taxi:
"Ere what about my bleedin ' fare..." the taxi driver shouted after them. They ran towards the police:
"Excuse me but we are from Doomwatch. Here is our ID. We need to see what has happened" Charles stated.
"I'm sorry Sir but no one is allowed through. There has been an incident" the constable replied.
"We know that there's been an incident. Thats why we need to get in. We're from Doomwatch." Genna shouted angrily.
"I don't care if you're from Doomwatch or not. My orders are that no one gets through. I'd calm down if I were you Miss" the constable replied.
"Oh stuff this" Genna shouted and pushed past the constable running. Charles ran after her:
"Hey, stop them!" the constable shouted to his colleagues. Charles and Genna ran down the street until they saw a row of ambulances. Groups of injured children were being treated on the pavement as bodies covered in blankets were being loaded into the ambulances....... be continued.

"NEST OF DOOM" Part 9 : The conclusion

Charles and Genna arrived back at Liverpool Street Station, having interviewed several of the teachers at Brook Street Primary School as well as other eyewitnesses. Charles had rteceived a phone call from Ashton-Scott asking them to meet him outside the station. As they emerged from Liverpool Street a taxi screeched to a halt and Steve Allen called out:
"Hey, Charles, Genna!"
They ran to the taxi, squeezing into the back next to Steve, and Ashton-Scott, sitting in the passenger seat, turned round:
"You've got the witness statements? And photographs? We must have graphic ones!
"Well the ones I took are certainly graphic. It was awful, I never want to have to see anything like that again" Genna replied. Ashton-Scott was stony-faced:
"Well you'll have to get used to it in our line of work. Its hard I know but just focus on the fact that we are the people who are trying to prevent this sort of thing", he replied to her.
"What do you think we should do now?" Charles asked.
"What we are going to do now is confront the Minister. No ifs and no buts" Ashton-Scott replied.

The taxi raced at speed through the busy London streets and eventually screeched to a halt next to some large government offices:
"You want me to wait squire?" the taxi driver asked, a burly, unshaven man with a square jaw:
"Yes. We could be some time so I suggest that you nip to that paper shop we just drove past and buy a decent newspaper such as the Guardian or Independent rather than reading this trash" Ashton Scott replied to him, picking up the taxi-driver's copy of the Sun and slamming it down again. They walked into the government offices and Ashton-Scott strode up to the reception desk, holding up his Doomwatch ID card:
"I'm Dr Ashton-Scott and I have an appointment to see the Environment Minister." The lady at the desk cast him a cold stare:
"Oh yes. He is running late as he has another appointment that has over-run. Kindly take a seat. I should point out that your associates do not have appointments, only yourself."
"Oh is that so. Well madam, I suggest that you warn the Minister that we are on the way up. Come on" Ashton-Scott shouted, barging past the desk and into the lift, followed by the others.
"Look, you can't do that....." the lady shouted after them, however the lift doors closed. Arriving on the fifth floor, Ashton-Scott strode down the corridor and barged into the Minister's office, followed by Steve, Charles and Genna. In the office with the Minister was William T Sanger of Leroux Chemicals. The Minister looked up:
"How dare you just barge in here like this......."
However he was cut short as Ashton-Scott strode up and slammed a brown envelope down on his desk:
"Here is a copy of a full report which I have drawn up, outlining how you have ignored all our warnings about Leroux Chemicals and also all of our scientific evidence that Phianophol is to blame for the bird attacks. Six young children are dead and two teachers. Six kids who would be alive today if it wasn't for your incompetance and your fear of upsetting the vested business interests personified by this idiot Sanger!"
"Now look here bud, I'd be careful about bandying around that kind of crap" Sanger shouted, standing up.
"I'd sit down now Sanger, unless you want me to make you do it" Steve Allen shouted. The Minister was bemused:
"This is outrageous. You burst into my office, threatening my guest, and throw around wild allegations of a frankly ridiculous nature. I can see I made the right decision closing you lot down."
"And I think that you may wish to reverse that decision. Let me put my cards on the table. Unless you reverse the closing down of Doomwatch and withdraw all of your covert support for Leroux Chemicals, I will go public with everything we know about government collusion. Don't even think about trying to save Sanger here and his company. Charles and Genna have photographs of the dead and dying children, along with eyewitness statements, which we are taking to the press. That is a given. Also we will release all of our evidence about Phianophol. However we will keep your name out of it if you agree to back us up fully then resign as Environment Minister" Ashton-Scott outlined.
"Do that and I'll spill the beans about the government knowing what was going down in advance" Sanger shouted.
"Oh I'm sure you will. However the Minister here will issue official denials backed up by his superiors, wheras your superiors in France will hang you out to dry Sanger. You're a dispensible flunky , nothing more" Ashton-Scott replied. The Minister scowled:
"Ok, you people have a deal. You've been lucky this time Ashton-Scott. However Doomwatch is swimming against the tide and you'll be drowned soon enough. The country needs growth and investment, not some concience-ridden do-gooders coming in the way of progress", the Minister stated. Charles placed his phone down in front of the Minister, displaying a photo of a dead girl :
"Try telling that to her parents" he commented.

Later, back at Doomwatch HQ, Ashton-Scott poured the team a glass of his home-brewed organic elderberry wine:
"So Leroux Chemicals have wisely fell upon their swords and folded as a result of the negative publicity. Phianophol has been completely withdrawn from use and we are back up and running."
"And we're getting a new Environment Minister to deal with" Genna added.
"Yet this is still a hollow victory. People have died because of the stubborn refusal of the government to take environmental concerns seriously. And for now I see no chance of that culture at the top changing. Doomwatch is needed more now than ever" Ashton-Scott stated.


The New Doomwatch team will return in story three: "Who Killed Mike Arnold?"

New Doomwatch: Story One: "PRICE WORTH PAYING"

OK, this new fan fiction is set in the present decade and features a new team and a revived Doomwatch organisation:

Dr Peter Ashton-Scott = team leader. An experienced chemist and ecologist from Cambridge university who left academia to set up a self-sufficient community in the hebrides. Coaxed out of retirement by Allen.

Steve Allen: Environmental campaigner, idealist and disillusioned science advisor to the government.

Charles Furness: Young, attractive Oxford graduate and brilliant chemist and technician. Struggling to accept his sexuality.

Abby Hanson: Feisty twenty-something geologist and ecologist. Gave up teaching to join the team.

Brian Eddows: Sixty-something lab technician. An ex-prisoner seeking a new life and redemption from his crimes.

Genna Miles: Feisty twenty-something with a talent for investigative work and publicity. Previously worked at Bosworth Battlefield Centre.

And occasional special guest characters:

Adam Quist: son of former Doomwatch head. Reformed alcoholic.

Neil Tannahill: Head of a rival Doomwatch organisation and featured in the TV Movie 'Winter Angel'


Part 1

Winter in Suffolk. The cold February wind blows snow across the farmyard as Brian Coley goes out to feed his pigs. He hasn’t felt well for days and he had a strange headache that never seemed to go away. As he reaches the pigsties Brian spots an axe in the yard that he had been using to chop logs earlier in the day. A strange feeling of rage hits him, as if all the world was his enemy and out to destroy him. He grabs the axe and swings it around. As he does so Stan Henson, one of his labourers emerges from the tool shed:
“You ok Brian? You look a bit stressed.”
Brian swings the axe and buries it in Stan’s head. He is now foaming at the mouth. Driven by pure rage he takes up the axe and heads towards the farmhouse…….

Rural Leicestershire.In the Zentar Corporation’s Research Laboratories near Bosworth, Doctor Paul Sansom is working late. As he stands over his equipment shaking his head a figure approaches behind him. A gun is raised and then fired. Sansom falls down…..

Charles Furness was feeling very nervous as he walked into the Doomwatch Centre in London. This was his first job interview since leaving Oxford and one he was only reluctantly attending. He had left with no idea of what he wanted to do for a career other than something related to science and chemistry. Work was the last thing on his mind. All he could think about was Chris, whom he had fallen in love with during that final year amid the dreaming spires. However Chris had treated him with derision when he had told him of his feelings and was now about to get married. Charles’ confidence had been shaken and the last thing he needed was to have to get a job. However he couldn’t stand the stifling atmosphere of home any longer. As Charles enters the main office he sees two men having a florid argument. The older one sits behind a desk and has long white hair and thick glasses:
“I tell you I cannot spare you at the moment Steve, its all hands on the pump as regards the Dungeness nuclear leak” he shouts. The younger man slams his fist down on the table:
“Look this can’t just be a coincidence Peter. A spate of bizarre murders in the space of weeks and all in the vicinity of the Zentar Corporations’ experimental field of GM winter-growing crops. And now one of their scientists is murdered in his lab.”
Dr Ashton Scott sighs in frustration:
“My dear man , they’ve arrested two Greenpeace activists for that. They had broken into the site. And there is not one shred of evidence to link those murders with the GM test.”

Charles clears his throat so that they notice him:
“Excuse me. I’m Charles Furness. I’m here about the job.” He flicks his dark hair out of his eyes. The old man stands up:
“Ah the new boy. I’m Peter Ashton Scott and this is Steve Allen. Welcome to Doomwatch. You’re just in time in fact. Steve here thinks that theres a problem with the Zentar Corporation’s GM testing . I’m not sure I’m convinced and I can’t spare Steve at the moment so you’ve got your first case.”
“You mean I’ve got the job?” Charles asks.
“Of course. You’re a brilliant chemist; first class honours from Oxford. And very attractive as well I might add”. Charles blushes:
“So what do I have to do?”
“Do you drive?”
“Then don’t. Too many cars on the road is one of the greatest threats to our environment. Take public transport to the Zentar Corporation’s HQ in Leicestershire and interview their Director, Andy Powell. All of the details and background info is in this file”. Peter hands the file to a puzzled Charles:
“But I’ve no idea about what to interview him about” Charles states.
“That’s why I’ve given you the file. I presume your generation can still read.”

Charles leaves the building not sure whether to be pleased or not. He heads towards St Pancras and takes the first train out to Leicester.

………… to be continued


Charles is sitting quietly in the first class compartment of the train, sipping tea and reading Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring'. His mind keeps wandering away from the book and he puts it down and takes a pen and paper out of his leather case. He begins to write a few lines of verse, not noticing a young woman enter the carriage.
"Excuse me, would you mind moving your case so that I can sit on that seat" she asks him. Charles doesn't hear her.
"Could you move your case?" she repeats sharply. Charles looks up.
"Sorry. I was lost upon the sea of my own thoughts". He moves his case and she sits down. Charles continues to write.
"I'm sorry for being sharp just then. Are you travelling far?" the girl asks. Charles flicks his long dark hair out of his eyes:
"Only to the land of silent melancholy" he replies. The girl smiles:
"What a sad thing to say. What do you do for a living?"
"I've just got a job with an environmental organisation called Doomwatch. I graduated last summer" Charles replies.
"Oh me too. My name is Genna Miles. I've a first in History from Durham. I've just been appointed as site historical advisor at Bosworth Battlefield Centre in Leicestershire."
Charles' interest picks up and he puts down his pen:
"Hey thats where I'm going to, Bosworth. I'm Charles Furness. I'm looking into the activities of the Zentar Research Corporation. Mind you I find your job very interesting . My mother always said that there is Plantagenet blood in our family line and so I've always had an interest in Richard III". Genna smiles:
"Pleased to meet you then Charles. I've heard about this Zentar Corporation actually. They tried to buy some land on the battlefield site so that they could build all on it, however Leicestershire Council stopped them."
"Do you know anywhere in Bosworth where I could stay" Charles asks."Well I'm staying temporarily in the Black Swan until I can find somewhere permanent. Why not see if they have more rooms?" Genna replies.

Meanwhile, back at Doomwatch HQ in London Peter and Steve are having another altercation:
"Look you can't just send that boy to deal with this on his own Peter. Its too serious." Ashton-Scott frowns:
"The decision has been made Steve. The nuclear issue takes precedence."
"You're just guilty because your brother worked at Aldermaston!" Steve Allen shouts. Ashton-Scott stands up and glares at him:
"How dare you. You have no damn idea about my family and the sacrifices I made for my principles. When I started going on the Aldermaston protest marches my brother and father severed all contact with me."As he speaks, Abby Hanson enters the office, accompanied by Brian Eddows.
"Whats all this arguing? Can't you two just have a civil conversation without all this macho posturing?" Abby states.
"Macho? Him? Give me a break" Steve replies.
"Shut it Steve" Abby shouts, slaming a file down on the table, "I've just heard that the Dungeness leak was a false alarm. Therefore we can concentrate on this new case" she continues. "Good. So can I go up to Bosworth now? " Steve asks.
"No, Abby can. You can visit the testing site in Suffolk" Peter states.

Meanwhile Charles and Genna have checked into the Black Swan and are enjoying a pub salad and a pint. Charles throws his long hair over his shoulders. Genna feels deeply attracted to him.
"So can you tell me anything else about this Zentar Corporation?" he asks
Its run by a self-made millionaire, Sir Willie Walker. They're a nasty bunch; think the planning laws don't apply to them. I'd watch out though as he's a big friend of Richard Bigjack." Genna replies, munching a lettuce leaf.
"The rightwing newspaper columninst?" Charles asks.
"Yes. The one who's always going on about the EU and feral yobs in the Daily Post. He may turn his sights on your Doomwatch. He hates environmentalists, thinks they're a bunch of fifth columnists for Brussels."
Charles frowns:"Oh no, what have I got myself into. I don't need this hassle after all I've been through this last year."........

..... to be continued

"Price Worth Paying": Part 3

After a sleepless night in an uncomfortable bed with lumpy pillows, Charles sets out for the Zentar Research Centre. Arriving at the gates, he is met by several private security guards who escort him to Walker's office. Inside he is met by a firm faced man in a business suit with short dark hair.
"Right Mr Furness, lets get several things clear. Firstly I'm agreeing to talk to you purely as a gesture of goodwill. I don't like your organisation or your boss however I am willing to engage in dialogue. I do want to make it clear that I regard this interview as pointless."
Charles senses a deliberate attempt to intimidate him:
"Mr Walker. Can you tell me why one of your scientists was shot here" he asks. Walker scowls:
"Haven't they briefed you. Oh, looking at you though you must be new. Just out of university I presume."
"Just answer the question please" Charles replies.
"A militant splinter group of that Greenpeace lot broke into this Centre and shot Dr Paul Sansom. Its as simple as that. The two people responsible are in Leicester nick awaiting trail. Typical crusty types, one an anti-hunt protester as well."
Charles senses elusiveness:"But they had no motive for murder. And they don't sound violent types" he states.
"Right thats it, interview over. Now kindly leave the premesis" Waker tersely replies.

Charles leaves and gets the bus to Leicester where he goes to the prison and finds out visiting times. He then goes to the Bread & Roses student cafe for an organic coffee and visits two second hand bookshops before going back to the prison. As he sits in the visitor room, a dishevelled man with lots of facial piercings and platted hair arrives.
"Hello, I'm Charles Furness. You must be Nigel Dearham".
"Ere I 'ate that name. I'm Logga" the man states. Charles decides to humour him.
"Ok Logga. I suppose it is a name with a more earthy ring to it than Nigel." The man stares.
"So Logga. Can you tell me what happened the night Paul Sansom was shot?"
"We ain't guilty. Me and Bez we like wanted to see what was really going on in that lab. We 'eard that they were experimentin' on animals and tryin' to develop some kind of GM crop that could grow in winter. They were feeding it to monkeys to see if it hurt 'em. Sick bastards. Anyroad, we gets in an as we searched around we hears a shot. Then as we are tryin' to escape security nab us." Charles flicks his dark hair out of his eyes:
"Are you sure you didn't do it?"
"Look mate are you deaf or summat. Anyway why would we want to kill our inside contact?"
"Sansom was one of us. He was the one passed us the info about the experiments. He rekoned that the crops wern't safe. That the monkeys went mad when it was fed to 'em and clawed each other up".

Charles leaves and gets the bus back to Bosworth. He has dinner with Genna in the Black Swan.
"So how was your day Charles?" she asks.
"Concerning. I think that the Zentar Corporation have had one of their own staff killed in order to stop them blowing the whistle on the side effects of their products." Genna strokes his long hair:#"Poor Charles. How about we order some wine? *strokes his leg*" Charles feels uneasy and tears well up:
"Genna you need to know that I'm gay before you get the wrong idea". Genna looks surprised but composes herself:
"Oh... oh well I'm pleased you told me. Do you have a man in your life?" Charles thinks of Chris and holds back the tears:
"At uni there was someone. But he wasn't intetrested. I'm alone on an Island of dry sand........."

............ to be continued.


Steve Allen is driving through the Suffolk countryside towards the experimental GM test site. He had felt frustrated after another altercation with Ashton-Scott during which he had insisted on using the car. However it was crisp, blue-skied winter’s day and Steve now felt uplifted by the sunshine gleaming off the thin covering of snow on the fields that he passed. Eventually he arrived at a huge green metal perimeter fence which was topped with pointed spikes and barbed wire. He stopped the car and got out , climbing on top of the car to try and get a view of the crop, however the fence was too tall.
“There ain’t no use in doin’ that, you need a stepladder” an old woman’s voice calls out. Steve looks round and sees an elderly woman dressed in ragged clothes with unkempt hair. She carried a cat in her hands which she stroked:
“I’m Elsie. It ain’t natural whats growin’ behind there. Them there enviromentalist protesters where down here again last week . Good luck to em I say.” Steve smiles:
“Do any of these protesters ever get over the fence and inside Elsie?” he asks.
“They gets in but they soon gets shoved out again. They must have hundreds of them security men in there. And then the bobbies come and take the protesters away in big vans”. As Elsie speaks, Steve hears a woman scream and a commotion coming from some terraced houses separated from the fence by a patch of unkempt wasteland. Running across he is shocked to see a large, overweight man in a white vest attacking a woman with a plank of wood. Spittle and foam was dribbling from his mouth as he lunged at the woman who was also in a furious rage. The woman ran down the small garden and out of the broken gate . She picked up a half-brick from a pile of fly-tipped rubbish on the waste ground and threw it at the man, cracking his nose open. He fell to the ground grunting and screaming. The crazed woman turned on Steve, lunging at his face . Steve managed to grapple her to the ground as a police car drew up……..

Meanwhile in Bosworth, Charles is sitting in the lounge of the Black Swan with Genna and Abby Hanson, who has just arrived. He explains recent developments to Abby:
“Its clear from what you say that Walker will tell us nothing .” Abby observes.
“So what do you suggest that we do now? There is no actual evidence that Sansom was working for the protesters.” Charles replies.
“Then we find some. We break into that centre and we damn well find the evidence” Abby suggests. Genna looks up:
“I know a way that you can get in. Part of their centre backs onto our battlefield centre’s grounds. They were not allowed to build a massive wall or anything so theres only a thin fence. They do have guard dogs though.”
“We can drug them safely using some steak laced with dizaphane.” Abby responds.
As they enjoy a coffee, Genna asks how Abby became involved with Doomwatch:
“After uni I spent a year teaching Geography in Hampshire. However it just wasn’t for me. I could handle the kids but I wanted to make a difference and the syllabus was just too narrow and restrictive. When I heard about Doomwatch I knew I had to get involved.”. Charles sighs:
“I wish I had that certainty. I had absolutely no idea what to do after uni. I just knew I had to get away from living at home.”

Later, Charles, Abby and Genna have cut through the wire and are inside the Zentar Corporation’s HQ grounds. Around them lie the unconscious dogs, having nibbled the beef.
“It is perfectly safe. Those dogs will be perfectly ok again in half an hour” Abby assures Charles.
“I’m pleased that Doomwatch has an ethical approach to dealing with guard dogs. However this means we must move fast” Charles comments. He and Abby use a skeleton key to get inside the building while Genna keeps a lookout. Inside they wander through deserted corridors and come to a side room full of large freezers. Charles opens one up and is shocked to see it is full of frozen monkey corpses in plastic bags. Abby and Genna rifle through some papers kept in a grey cabinet. Abby suddenly gets excited:
“Look at this. Its some of Sansom’s pathology notes on the monkeys.”
Charles looks at the papers which are handwritten autopsy notes signed by Sansom. He reads aloud:
“…… it is clear to me that subject 23 died of the same symptoms as 13-22. Intense cerebral haemorrhaging following a long period of severe anger and violent rage. It is also clear that the symptoms are only present in those subjects exposed to the GM grain……..”
Charles is cut short by a voice behind him:
“None of you move”.
They see two security guards with guns raised…….

………… be continued.


Charles, Genna and Abby were led by gunpoint to an office where an angry Walker was waiting:
"So, not content with going through the normal process to secure an interview, you also see fit to break into this centre. I will obviously be making formal compaints to the appropriate authorities." Abby stepped forward:
"Yeah and we will also be speaking to the authorities. About how you know damn well that your GM grain is toxic to primates".
"Its all in these documents" Charles added, waving the papers. Walker laughed sardonically:
"The documents in that cabinet refer to the very earliest prototype of our modified grain. I presume you didn't bother to check the date or the details. Those documents are seven years old and refer to Zentar wheat sample 1, while the product we actually now grow is sample 7, which is perfectly safe". Charles checked the documents and saw that Walker was telling the truth:
"That does not alter the fact that your product in its early stages was highly dangerous and we only have your word for it that it is not so still", Charles stated, flicking his long dark hair from his eyes. Walker got up and stared at him:
"You know, you do-gooder student types make me sick. Look at you, standing there with your foppish hair and self-righteous manner. Never done a proper days work in your life no doubt, just sponged off your parents and then got a non-job with a pointless quango run by a sad old lefty." Abby intervened:
"You don't know what you're talking about", she shouted. Walker stared at her:
"I despise people like you. Wet behind the ears pseudo radicals. The fact is that the world needs more food and we are helping to provide it. Who cares about a killing a bit of wildlife in the process or causing a bit of collateral damage to local populations. They are a price worth paying for greater yeilds. And the public want more and better food, not organic lentils."
"So as far as you're concerned, any damage to the environment or to the public itself is just collateral damage" Charles asked.
"Yes , *to the security guards* escort these overgrown children off this site."

Meanwhile in Suffolk Steve had given a brief interview to the police and returned to the site of the crop test. Using his initiative he borrowed a ladder that was proped up beside someone's half completed garage extension and carried it across the wasteground to the perimeter fence. He climbed up and carefully navigated himself over the barbed wire and jumped down over the other side. He landed badly and fell backwards, banging his head. Picking himself up, he couldn't believe his eyes. A field full of wheat was growing through the snow and entering the stage of starting to ripen, in the middle of winter. As he looked around he felt someone grab his arms. Two men dressed in white plastic overalls and gas masks grabbed him and escorted him to a grey building at the side of the field. He was thrown on the floor in front of a suited man who smoked a cigar:
"Hmmm. You're from Doomwatch at a guess. The boss just rang me to warn that you lot could be on the prowl" the man stated.
"Who the hell are you?" Steve asked.
"Andy Powell, Zentar Director of Research. It seems that your collegues have caused a right stir with Mr Walker."
"Why the hell are they wearing gas masks? You know don't you? You know that this stuff is dangerous" Steve shouts. Powell laughs:
"Oh don't be so po-faced. Have a cigar. Those masks are purely to prevent our staff carrying pollen out of the site in their lungs and then contaminating nearby organic farms".
"Bull¤¤¤¤" Steve shouted.

In Leicestershire, Charles, Genna and Abby had returned to the Black Swan. Charles stared mournfully at the documents:
"So these are just useless. They prove nothing". Abby looked up:
"They at least prove that the crops carried dangers at the start. But yes, we need much more. Anyway, right now I'm ready for a drink.Charles? Genna?"
"I'll have a white wine" Genna replied.
"None for me tonight. I want to keep a clear head for tomorrow. Anyway I don't drink much. I prefer a good book to alcohol" Charles stated.
As Abby went to the bar, Genna smiled at Charles:
"So what do you like reading"?
"Oh all sorts, history, ecology, anthropology, fiction, poetry. Right now I'm juxtoposing "Silent Spring" with "Jude the Obscure".
Genna laughed:
"So tell me about this Chris" she asked. Charles looked away:
"I don't want to talk about that. Its too painful still. Like raking up the shattered shards of broken dreams".
Abby returned from the bar:
"As I see it, we now have no options left here other than to find someone in that organisation who will whistle blow" she states.....

...... to be continued.


In the morning, Charles comes downstairs to the breakfast room in the Black Swan to find Abby and Genna already there. Abby is chatting to someone on her mobile while Genna looks up:
"Did you sleep ok Charles?"
"Not really. I had one of those restless nights where you can't stop thinking about things. What we really need to do is find out if any of the people who work for the Zentar Corporation have doubts about its ethics."
Abby puts down her phone and smiles:
"I think we may be in luck. Ashton-Scott has just phoned me with some info on that scientist who was shot; Dr Sansom. Apparently he has a young wife who also works for Zentar. Maybe we could get her to talk. He also has an address for her which I've just put into my phone."
Charles sips his coffee and butters some toast:
"I suggest we try the address first since she may still be on compassionate leave."

Meanwhile in Suffolk, Steve has been escorted off the site by Andy Powell's men. As he walks through the nearby streets, he hears a commotion. Turning a corner, he is shocked to see two men, frothing at the mouth, attacking a car with a hammer and a piece of iron railing. On the pavement is the blood-soaked body of a woman, her head smashed in. One of the men turns and runs towards Steve, lunging at him with the hammer. Steve moves quickly to the side and kicks at the man's leg, keeling him over. Steve runs from the scene, stopping by a wall to phone 999. As he does so two children emerge from a backyard and launch themselves at him, foam bubbling from their mouths. One of them bites into his arm and Steve throws him off and runs as the other stabs him in the neck with a broken bottle. Blood pours from Steve's wound as he runs down the street. Several bodies line the side of the street. Steve suddenly feels nauseous and his legs give way.

Charles, Genna and Abby arrive at Mrs Sansom's house, a neat semi-detached property in Bosworth with a large garden. Charles rings the doorbell several times, but there is no answer.
"She must be at work" Genna comments, however Charles notices a free paper wedged in the letterbox and when he pushes it through, he hears it fall onto other mail.
"Either she's away staying with relatives or something is wrong here. Lets check round the back."
Going round the back, Charles sees that the back door is half-open and the lock smashed. He rushes in to find Mrs Sansom lying in the kitchen, shot dead. As he and the others stare at the body, they hear a crashing sound from upstairs then someone descending the stairs........... be continued.


Quickly Charles, Genna & Abby rushed out of the back door and round the side, under the kitchen window, as a man dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket emerged, carrying some papers. Charles lept at him, grabbing him round the waist and trying to wrestle him to the ground, while Abby grabbed hold of his arm, causing him to drop the papers. However the man wrestled free and punched Charles with his free arm and then reached into his jacket for the gun. As he raised it Genna lept forward, kicking the gun out of his hand before launching another kick at his neck. The man fell backwards and hit his head on the garden wall with a loud thud.

Slowly Steve Allen emerged into consciousness from the misty recesses of his mind. He percieved that he was in a hospital bed and sat beside him was Peter Ashton-Scott, looking every bit the genial but firm academic.
"What.... what happened? The people ..... they were going crazy." Steve mutters.
"Its bad Steve. There are five people dead and another eleven have been sectioned pending emergency treatment. Unfortunately their condition seems irreversible" Ashton -Scott replies.
"The bastards. No doubt Walker and the Zentar Corporation will still try to deny responsibility".
"They can try but thanks to Charles and Abby we now have the evidence to shut them down permanently. They apprehended one of Walker's men with a pile of documents which outline clearly the scientific concerns of Dr Sansom and how exactly the GM wheat causes insanity. Seems he passed them onto his wife who unfortunately has also been murdered. Right now Willie Walker is being charged with ordering her death."

Later, after Steve has been discharged, the Doomwatch team assembled in Ashton-Scott's office to discuss the case. With them was Genna Miles whom Ashton-Scott was offering a glass of sherry.
"And I'd like to drink a toast to Genna and welcome her into the team as a full time member*raises glass*. Genna your contribution was invaluable in this case and your knowledge of historical presentation makes you ideally suitable to be the PR face of the organisation. But tell me, how did you learn martial arts skills?" Genna smiles:
"Oh I did a bit of kickboxing as a teenager thats all. I'm really delighted that you've let me join, I was rather fed up with my job at Bosworth and I really believe in what you people are doing."
Steve turned to Charles:
"So Charles, how was your first case?". Charles flicks his dark hair out of his eyes:
"Tireing. However I can see now how vital it is that we keep going. Organisations like the Zentar Corporation threaten not just the health of the public but the entire future of the planet".
As he speaks the phone rang and Ashton-Scott listened intently. Slowly he put down the reciever:
"Well enough of this chat. It looks like we have our next case.................."

....................the END.

The New Doomwatch team will return soon in:

"Nest of Doom"